Art One Final Portfolio

I would consider this project both my favorite and most successful. I worked really hard on this project because I really wanted it to turn out good. The reason I enjoyed working on this is because it was step by step and everyday that we painted we got to add a new layer to the painting. At first I thought I was going to get annoyed with only doing one layer a day and then letting the paint dry over night. But, that wasnt the case because it allowed me to make mistakes and be able to correct them the next day. Also, I learned a lot by going back and adding highlights and shadow to things to make them look a lot more realistic. Then when I was almost done I finished up by adding little touch ups to the areas the needed it. I ended up liking this project so much I made it my Christmas present to my mom and she loved it just as much as I did.
I did enjoy this project but I do think it was the hardest one for me. Not only was it super tough to draw someones face from a picture and try to make it look exact but the highlights and shadows were very hard to draw. I spent a lot of time on this project trying to make it look exactly like the picture I had. The thing that was difficult for me to learn how to do was blend the darks and the lights together. I definitely think this was the project where I learned the most because not only was it about darks and lights but it was also about the portrait itself and proportions and a lot of other measures. In the end I do think I did pretty well considering it was my first time drawing a portrait but I do think after learning what I learned before, during, and after this project I could do a better job if I tried again. Therefore, this was a very huge learning experience for me as an artist and I think it helped shape how I draw and see things now.
For this project I think I definitely used previous learned techniques from other projects to do this one. Even though it didnt turn out completely how I wanted it to I do think it would have been worse without the things I learned from other projects. In this project you can see different shades of yellow, orange, and red. That is because I wanted darks and lights instead of a monochromatic picture. Same thing with all the different color greens was because of the same thing. I learned this skill from the scale portraits about having different shades and having highlights and shadows to make it more realistic. So even though this wasnt my best project I do think I used previous learned skills from other projects.
I do think this project was least important in the concepts that I learned in this course. The reason I think this was because I feel that it didnt teach me anything and I didnt gain much in my technique while doing it. I did enjoy doing this project cause it was fun and cool to see how it turns out. But when it comes to actually teaching a technique I don't think it did that very well. Therefore, I do think doing this project is a fun activity and can still be done because I think people would enjoy doing this. But if you guys were trying to teach something out of this project I dont think that this is the best choice in activity.
I think this piece best reflects me as an artist. I like crazy cool colors but I also like simple. So on this piece I did the cool colors with a very simple background and I think this was the best thing I did in art all year. Also, as you can see I love Taylor Lautner so when we got this project I saw a way I could incorporate my other interests into my art. This project was a lot of work cutting out the stencil and all that but i thought it was a lot of fun and cool to see the finished project. Then when I was almost done with the project Mr. Sands told us to do something on the frame so I just did plain white because I wanted the focus to stay on my stencil instead of other things. Therefore, by the end of this project I knew exactly what kind of artist I wanted to be and I think other people knew what kind of artist I am too.

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